It all starts with one goal. That goal is go achieve success. How we do it is where it gets interesting. It all begins with one ingredient in our formula... fun. This is what seperates us from the competition. We discourage thinking like a business man... there's plenty of that later and by no means to we not get serious. On the contrary, before we can even think of revenues and social media analytics. We find the projects that we can have fun with. Likewise, we encourage our clients to have fun with us. After all, it's a spoon full of sugar that makes the medecine go down.
Creating Visionaries
When John Valera was young, he was known as Mico which is a short hand for his middle name Dominic. In founding MicoVision, M.I.C.O. became synonymous for something more. One such acronym is the slogan Make Innovation Create Originality. In other words, you can either Innovate or Stagnate. We take a look at your competition, were most industries focus on similarities, we take a look at your innovations and with some of our own create something remarkable, something original. In turn we create Visionaries out of our clients and we won't settle for anything less.
The Four Pillars of a Successful Business
M - I - C - O also happens to form the four pillars of a successful business model we strive to implement into your business:
Where most of modern business comes into play like analytics & Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Information Technology
Having the best information is your best weapon. Having the best technology ensures your message is delivered.
Creative Services
Looking good is just part of the job. That's why we employ talented and creative individuals to lead the charge.
Keeping it all together is the last peace of the puzzle. We demonstrate proper organization and educate as well.